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The Emotion Code, the Body Code, the Belief Code, Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) and Craniosacral Therapy (CST) work extremely well both on their own and when used in combination during a session.  They can get to the root causes of the problems and clear them.


I have found, and it has become increasingly accepted, that many of our physical issues have an emotional or psychological cause and the Emotion Code, the Body Code, the Belief Code and Chirokinetic Therapy are very effective at clearing these, without having to go back over the emotions or traumas.  They are an incredibly “clean” and painless method of clearing.


All the therapies can be used to help overcome issues that have been buried deep and in the past as well as those more recent ones.

Birth can be incredibly traumatic for both mothers and their babies and these therapies can help to alleviate such trauma. New mothers need to recover from giving birth but their focus is on their newborn; often their needs come last and their trauma can be overlooked.  It is so important for them to receive the help they need so they can heal and be better able to cope with the demands that a new baby brings.


To be able to reduce or eliminate the issues arising from birth is particularly rewarding when treating babies as they can go forward in life free from them at a very young age.  Most of us grow into adults carrying the emotions etc with us and it's never too late for them to be dealt with.  


These therapies are suitable for all age ranges and if accessibility is a problem, the Emotion Code, Body Code, Belief Code and Chirokinetic Therapy may be given remotely.


For further information on these treatments, please click on the treatment below:


Craniosacral Therapy


Chirokinetic Therapy


The Emotion Code


The Body Code


The Belief Code


In addition to the above therapies Reflexology is also offered.  This more well-known therapy provides a wonderful holistic treatment which addresses the many issues which give rise to physical pain bringing balance to the body, mind and spirit.  It helps us to cope when going through particularly stressful times.



These therapies are suitable for all age ranges and if accessibility is a problem, the Emotion Code and Chirokinetic Therapy may be given remotely.



For further information on these treatments, please click on the treatment below:


Craniosacral Therapy


Chirokinetic Therapy


Emotion Code

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