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Jane, East Sussex

Over a number of years I’ve benefited from Maddy’s wonderful array of treatments.  My conditions have varied considerably and include stress related digestive and stomach issues, to a sudden onset of a nut allergy which was causing dermatological skin rashes.  Madeline always approaches a treatment with calm reassurance, carefully considering the most appropriate method to be applied.  Whatever the treatment, or combined treatments, I’ve always had excellent results, even on the day on the treatment table!  I can’t always explain what has taken place, but what I can say is that she’s a marvel.  Thank you Maddy.


Kirsten, Cambridge

I have seen Maddy over the years for various physical and emotional concerns. Each session is tailor made for me because Maddy muscle tests to find out exactly what my body needs, with incredible results. She is warm and calm and always listens to my concerns without judgement. By the end of the session I feel relaxed, light and happy as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I would highly recommend a session even if you're just feeling a bit below par.


My brain didn't seem to want to remember all the things I've been to you for.  But then how wonderful that those issues which must have been important at the time are no longer troubling me. That's testimony indeed!  

Pete, Cambs

Over the past few months, I have received several treatments from Maddy in the Emotion Code and CKT.


I have on two occasions noticed distinct improvements in my energy and well-being that have stayed with me and are still noticeable weeks and even months later.


I feel straighter, lighter and happier since having her treatments.  I would recommend them to anyone.

Hazel, Cambridge

I have been receiving reflexology treatments from Madeline for many years and have found them to be wonderfully relaxing and calming.  She has a deep understanding of reflexology and can detect problems quickly and put them right.  She is very professional and has a warm and friendly personality.  I feel that she has "healing hands" and I always look forward to my reflexology sessions with her.  


A reflexology treatment with Madeline is an experience not to be missed!

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