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Reflexology has become a very well known and highly regarded therapy over the last twenty or so years and is sometimes recommended by GPs to help their patients.


It's based upon the principle that the feet reflect the body and that specific points and areas on the feet represent particular organs and areas of the body.  Most reflexology treatments are done on the feet but they can also be given on the hands and ears.


It's an extremely relaxing therapy with the benefit of bringing about healing to the body and is holistic in the sense that it treats the whole body with particular emphasis on areas that are causing problems.


The treatment brings about balance to all aspects of our being, and is very useful in calming the mind, helping us cope with stress as well as dealing with physical pains, aches, low energy, circulatory problems and hormonal imbalances.


Below are some of the issues Reflexology can help with:


  • Relieves stress, anxiety, depression

  • Relieves aches & pains, eg back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, joint pain, headaches etc

  • Corrects hormonal imbalances to help with eg:  PMT, menopause, infertility,

  • Improves and balances energy levels

  • Relieves sinus problems

  • Boosts low immune system

  • Boosts circulatory systems - both the blood & lymphatic systems

  • Creates a feeling of being able to cope more easily with life's problems


A one-off treatment is a wonderful "treat" and can be enough to alleviate a specific problem but it's more normal to have a series of treatments, at weekly intervals to begin with, if you're seeking help with one or more conditions.  Many clients continue to come on a monthly basis as a means of maintaining a level of health and well-being as well as enjoying time out to de-stress and relax.


On a personal note, some years ago I was going through a particularly stressful time, trying to balance seeing clients, being on several committees and supporting elderly parents whilst bringing up my three sons.  I'm absolutely convinced that having regular reflexology sessions helped me cope and keep my head above water.




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