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The Truth will out

Isabel Oakeshott’s sharing of Matt Hancock’s WhatsApp messages with investigative journalists from the Telegraph has finally been able to illuminate and expose the truth on what was going on behind the scenes and how the public were manipulated during the covid pandemic.

The loss of basic human rights and freedoms in our country was shocking and what was even more so, was how willing the public were to lose them and inform on those who transgressed the inhuman strictures that were imposed upon us.

Everyone who questioned the government’s line was quashed, diminished and labelled a conspiracist including eminent scientists, doctors, psychologists etc. I fear this is mirrored whenever anyone questions the safety of the hastily produced “vaccines”, including physicians with first-hand experience of adverse outcomes. We (the public) have no idea of their long-term effects and neither do the government nor the companies that developed them.

The messages suggest that we were “played” and manipulated to cause fear. They were successful - very many people were terrified.

One of the things that most dismayed me at the time was the lack of government advice as to what people could do to help themselves to strengthen their immune system so that they could cope should they be exposed to the virus. The Vitamin D “card” was played some time down the line – it’s so important to our health and the lack of sunshine in our country means that most of us are deficient and need much more than the recommended daily amount to help our immune system. There was no mention of Vitamin C, Vitamin K2, zinc, magnesium, selenium etc. that also support our immune system.

The timing is interesting. These messages have been shared with the public at about the same time as certain authorities have concluded that it’s highly likely that the source of the virus was the lab. Independent scientists have pointed to this for a long time but were ignored by mainstream news which banged on about it coming from the wet market in Wuhan. Surely plain common sense would indicate that it was highly likely that it originated from a lab which was gathering coronaviruses from bats and experimenting with gain of function.

I hope that we never allow any future government to exert or try to exert so much control over our everyday lives and ability to live as free human beings. I feel that this is a wake up call.

Finally, I think we owe a debt of gratitude to Isabel Oakeshott for putting her head above the parapet and providing us with an insight, albeit very limited, into what was actually going on in government during the pandemic. Only one “scientific” view was allowed to prevail and all others dismissed/suppressed/ignored. That’s not scientific.

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