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What is the Emotion Code?

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

The Emotion Code sits perfectly alongside the other two therapies that I practice, Craniosacral Therapy and Chirokinetic. The Emotion Code is focused specifically upon our emotions and can be sufficient to alleviate problems of our mind and body.

Using muscle testing (kinesiology) we can communicate with the subconscious and discover the emotions that have become trapped and which are causing problems such as depression, anxiety, lack of self esteem/self worth etc and release them.

Emotions tend to settle in particular areas of the body and often cause disruption in that area; so often what we consider to be a physical problem of the body, for example a painful shoulder, may actually be caused by an emotion.

Releasing emotions in this way is very quick and can be very gentle. Sometimes there can be an emotional reaction but this tends not to last long and once it’s gone, it’s gone.

We experience emotions all our life, starting from within our mother’s womb. Our subconscious remembers everything and gives up the information in a particular order so that we can be freed from these destructive emotions and be healed.

One of the aspects of the Emotion Code is clearing what we call “heart walls”. We set these up to protect ourselves, our hearts, following particular negative events, including damaging words that have been said to us. This is an unconscious reaction to protect ourselves but which, instead of serving us well, tends to cause us problems down the line as we’ve closed off our heart. When the energies of these heart walls are cleared we can live with an open heart (although we probably aren’t even aware that we’ve created a wall) and our lives change for the better.

An example of negative energy having an impact on the body is that of a young man of 27 years, whose hands had a very pronounced tremble/shake. He noticed that they were worse when he returned home after work each day. During the treatments, shock and panic showed up and these were released. The event that had been the main cause of this had happened during an incident at his home when he was 19 which had had a particularly traumatic affect on him. After a few sessions the shaking and trembling of his hands subsided and have not returned.

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