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My introduction to Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT)

Updated: Feb 25, 2022

Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) has proved to be an invaluable means of healing at all levels of a person – the body, mind, emotional and spiritual levels.

My introduction to CKT back in 2008 was attending a talk given by David Stevens (Founder of CKT) who demonstrated on volunteers from the audience. After having given a few people a treatment, he asked for another volunteer and looked directly at me! I’d never volunteered to be a guinea pig at such events before but felt compelled to do so, given David’s piercing stare, wondering and worried about what he so clearly saw in me that needed attention. So, reluctantly I took my place on the treatment table and David proceeded to treat me.

My right temporal bone was lower than it should have been and it turned out that there was a negative emotion in my right kidney, which caused the tissues to be tight around it and pulling down the tissues around my right temporal bone in my head. This was released and after 10 minutes response time, my temporal bone had resumed its correct position. I had felt a warmth suffuse my face during the response time. This was such a clear example of how everything is connected and when a problem is noted in one place can be caused by something in a completely different place.

I didn’t notice anything different until I went home that evening and put my specs on to read – they were straight on my face as opposed to being crooked as they had been for a very long time! My ears had become level. I had had absolutely no idea that I was harbouring any negative emotions and was so impressed by what I had experienced and heard, that I went on to train in this amazing therapy to add to my healing modalities.

Since then I’ve used Chirokinetic Therapy to help with very many wide ranging conditions to great effect. Apart from the more obvious physical problems such as back ache, neck ache, whiplash, headaches, hormonal imbalances, etc, I’ve used CKT to alleviate allergies and digestive disorders, asthma, rashes etc.

The kinesiology/muscle testing aspect of CKT lends itself extremely well to discover what the body needs and what it doesn’t need, such as foods and drinks which are good for it, and those that aren’t, including whether a supplement will be helpful, or not. My clients often ask me to check whether a supplement they are taking or are considering buying will actually help them or if it’s a waste of money.

Chirokinetic therapy works by communicating with the body at a subconscious level, tapping into the body’s own inner wisdom, sometimes referred to as our Inner Physician (as John Upledger referred to it when he developed Craniosacral Therapy). This enables us to know what is really going on and, when treated, allows healing at a profound level. In communication with the therapist, the subconscious of the client/patient indicates the problem and the innate healing energies of the body are used to resolve the issues.

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