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Listed below are the most common questions that people ask before coming for a treatment.  However, if you have additional questions or any concerns, then I am always very happy to speak to you on the phone, or alternatively via email.  Please do ask.

  • What is the cost of a session?
    Each session costs £60 which can be paid either by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
  • How many sessions will I need?
    This is really impossible to say. Normally several sessions are needed but it all depends on what you have come for and how simple or complex the problems are. Sometimes the issue is cleared in one session, which is great! Other times it may take just a few, maybe three sessions or many more. I use muscle testing to see if another session is needed so that I don’t waste my clients’ or my time with extra sessions when they are not required. I always do as much as can be done in any given session and often it's the client’s body that indicates that it has had enough and needs time for it to settle and adjust to healing.
  • What do I have to do?
    In most cases you will lie on your back on my therapy couch having removed your shoes and possibly any obstructive jewellery and glasses. You will not have to remove any clothing. If mobility restrictions mean it isn't easy to be on the couch, then we can find some other way or use a surrogate. In the case of the Emotion Code you can be in your own home and it can be carried out remotely over the phone.
  • What should I wear?
    Come in any clothes that you are comfortable in but preferably loose.
  • How long is a session?
    I allow an hour per session, except the first one when I’ll take a brief medical history and discuss the reason(s) you have come. So please allow an extra 15-30 minutes for this (no extra charge). Cranio-Sacral Therapy and Chirokinetic Therapy sessions normally last about an hour, depending on what comes up. Emotion Code sessions tend to be shorter but this all depends on how many emotions are able to be cleared at any given time. The body can only cope with a certain amount of releases when those are very powerful, and time is needed for the energy to settle into its new pattern before it’s ready for more releases.
  • How do I make an appointment?
    Please either call me, email me, or alternatively use the Contact form below to arrange an appointment. I can be flexible with the hours and days that appointments can be made, so please do ask for a convenient time and date for you.
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