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The Emotion Code

The Emotion Code was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson in the early 1990's and its effect is to release trapped emotions in a painless and very efficient manner which frees us up to live a more full and complete life.  It clears our emotional baggage making us feel lighter and happier.



Trapped emotions cause distortion in the body's energy field and can cause an incredibly wide variety of physical problems which are normally not attributed to a trapped emotion because the energy is invisible to us.  Using muscle testing, I can tap into my clients' subconscious to discover whether there is a trapped emotion, which can then be released.

This is an incredibly powerful healing technique which can clear emotions from the recent past to very longstanding ones, even those that have been inherited from previous generations and caused problems in our ancestors.


The following link shows Dr Bradley Nelson explain about trapped emotions in more detail and you can follow other links from there to find out more.


An analogy which comes to mind is that of a splinter which has entered the body and lodged itself somewhere.  If left, it causes pain and infection.  The splinter has to be removed in order for the body to recover and heal.  Emotions are invisible but their energy is felt and they cause physical, psychological & spiritual problems despite not actually being seen.  They too, have to be removed in order for healing to take place.


The healing can be carried out in person or at a  distance and is equally effective whichever way it's done.  There is no age limit.

What can it help with?


There is such a vast array that this therapy can help with that I'm not going to even try and list them.  Many physical problems are a reaction to trapped emotions which we would never consider to be the cause.  We all know how particular events and traumas affect our wellbeing and can often trace specific problems back to those events.   The beauty about the Emotion Code is that it doesn't involve hours of re-living the traumas and events we know have adversely affected us; it cleanly and efficiently removes the negative emotions, clearing a path back to health.


Example Case Study


One lady I treated remotely (via the telephone) said that she felt as if a great weight had been lifted off her shoulders, that she had felt she was carrying heavy shopping bags all the time and that these had gone.  Months later they never returned and she has a much lighter and brighter sense about her.   The phone consultation saved her the effort and time of travelling to see me, she was lying down during the session and she was able to continue to rest immediately following the treatment without having to drive home again.  It's an excellent form of healing for people who are unable travel to come and see me

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