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Craniosacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy involves very light touch and extremely gentle pressure, which enables your body to respond in a way that induces self-healing. It's non-invasive and can be extremely effective in helping with all sorts of ailments (see list below).

This therapy is not, in any way, restricted to just the cranium (skull) or sacrum (lower area of back) as the name might suggest. It can work on absolutely any part of your body.

What can it help with?


  • Pain – acute and chronic pain anywhere in your body

  • Reduced mobility

  • Low energy

  • Headaches and migraines

  • Jaw (temporomandibular joint) problems

  • Neuralgia (including trigeminal)

  • Learning difficulties e.g. dyslexia & dyscalcula

  • Menstrual and menopausal problems

  • Colic in babies

  • Clumsiness

  • Sleeping problems


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Example case study


A man in his 40's came to me suffering from acute pain in his shoulder, so much so that he couldn't even drive.  He had had no idea what had caused this and was more than a little sceptical that my treatments would work.  After several sessions the pain concentrated on an area in his upper back and he remembered an injury he had sustained whilst playing football in his early 20's.  Something had triggered this old injury and fortunately the craniosacral therapy resolved it, enabling my client to drive again and return to his sporting activities.​

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