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The Belief Code

The Belief Code is another level of the Emotion and Body Codes.  Some beliefs that are held in our subconsious and which we are not aware of can act as sort of "spanners in the works" and cause us problems in all aspects of our lives.  These negative beliefs are like hidden brakes, preventing us from living our lives to the full despite our best efforts, and we don't even know they are there!  They adversely affect our out look on life, and impact us physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.


The Belief Code can discover hidden, unconscious negative beliefs and clear them, allowing us to move forward with our lives in a more positive way.  This method can only clear beliefs which we hold in our unconscious, our negative life scripts, it doesn't affect our conscious beliefs, such as religious, political beliefs etc. which can only be changed by conscious effort and new understandings etc.


The beliefs are energies, particular to each individual, and are cleared energetically.  Emotions, physical, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves are often associated with these energies and, when cleared, those associations are also cleared, relieving physical conditions and freeing us in relation to those aspects of our lives.


It can have incredibly profound effects and help set us on a different path.



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