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The Body Code

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The Body Code is essentially an extension of the Emotion Code which was developed by Dr Bradley Nelson, expanding on the types of imbalances it can address. The Body Code is designed as a very simple way to ask the subconscious mind what underlying imbalances there may be, including trapped emotions, but also extends to other imbalances such as those from pathogens, nutritional deficiencies, toxicity, structural/skeletal, hormonal, digestive, circulatory, neuronal, circuitry imbalances (e.g. chakras and acupuncture meridians), and more.


The Emotion Code is an incredibly powerful healing technique on its own and the Body Code incorporates this with an increased capacity to discover the causes of imbalances in our bodies which are then cleared magnetically. 


The healing can be carried out in person or at a  distance and is equally effective whichever way it's done.  There is no age limit.


The following link shows Dr Bradley Nelson explain about the Body Code in more detail and you can follow other links from there to find out more.


What can it help with?


As with the Emotion Code, there are very many problems that this can help, from chronic physical issues to more recent physical problems.  The body map enables me to hone in quickly on what the imbalances are, where they're located and, if necessary, when they began.  These may be emotions of, say, shock and panic from a particular event, or they may be from a time of illness with a viral or bacterial infection, exposure to mold etc.


We know that stress is a major cause of problems and can lead to physical disruptions in the body and give rise to all sorts of other issues, such as anxiety, sleep disturbance etc.  The Body Code can help deal with these.


The energies can be cleared and the body brought back into balance and better health, physically, spiritually and mentally.

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