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I have an honours degree in Biology from the University of Aberdeen and began my training in complementary therapies in 1999, when the youngest of my three sons began school.  I had seen the positive impact that reflexology had had on two family members and realised how beneficial it is and decided to train in it.  That was the beginning of my "journey" into complementary and alternative methods of healing. 


As I see it, when we go through life, energetic footprints are left in our being.  These footprints may have a positive or negative effect on us and the negative ones create a degree of disharmony which, left unchecked, may cause us to become ill on an emotional, psychological and/or physical level.  The wonderful thing is that we can negate the effects of the harmful ones as they are energy, and that energy can be cleared, no matter how long ago they were imprinted upon us.


I am fully insured and a Fellow of the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT).

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  • The Emotion Code - Bradley Nelson's Discover Healing

  • The Body Code - Bradley Nelson's Discover Healing

  • The Belief Code - Bradley Nelson's Discover Healing


  • Reflexology - VTCT Diploma at Cambridge Regional College

With regard to the therapies that I currently offer, the following gives the organisations under which I trained:

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