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Chirokinetic Therapy

Chirokinetic Therapy (CKT) was initially developed by David Stevens to resolve allergy problems, whereby allergens can be identified without the need for blood tests or exclusion diets. Its scope has been expanded to encompass most ailments and CKT can help people who have structural, physiological, emotional and psychological issues. It’s non-invasive and can help suss out the root cause of a problem and deal with it.

The advantage of this therapy is that it taps into the body’s own wisdom, via the subconscious, which knows exactly what it needs and the order in which the problems need to be sorted.

CKT can determine weaknesses in the body which can be strengthened/corrected; it can identify which particular vertebrae, muscles, organs, nerves etc need strengthening.  

It's an extremely useful, non-invasive method for confirming what the body needs or doesn’t need at a particular time such as food, drink, health supplements etc.

There is no age restriction for CKT and it can be given to babies through to the elderly.  It is also possible to send people a treatment no matter where they are using a surrogate and is just as effective when given in that way.

What can it help with?

  • Allergies/intolerances

  • Hayfever

  • Asthma

  • Structural problems, e.g. back pain, neck pain etc

  • Circulatory issues

  • Nervous system problems

  • Muscular aches/pains

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Digestive disorders

  • Emotional/Psychological issues e.g. fears; depression; anxiety; trauma; shock etc. It is particularly effective when dealing with these issues, by-passing the need for the individual to revisit the past, thus avoiding the re-living of that trauma. Inherited and past life issues are often highlighted during such sessions.

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Example case study


 A 14 year old boy had an itchy rash in the crook of his elbows and no creams had helped alleviate it.  It had been there for some weeks and one day became worse after playing a rugby match.  WIthin an hour following a CKT session the rash had reduced and continued to recede until the skin was clear.  It never returned.  This was a very simple case - they're not always quite that easy.

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